Miyerkules, Marso 19, 2014

 By Carla Mae Orpeza Ampuyas

Once upon a time, I was in love and got hurt by the person whom I loved the most. My heart broke into pieces and felt like I can not bear the pain. I came to a point that no matter how I tried to push away the past, the past hung there like a Shroud, affecting the way I thought about myself, my Decisions and actions. I did not realized this until I came to the realizations are priority helped me let go.

The moving on process will take time, probably longer than you MIGHT think. 'm talking about being fully cleansed of all lingering hang-ups and scars from the incident, not just moving on a surface level. If you are still holding on to what could have been, it's time to release yourself. No more mental torture or mental inhibitions. No more holding yourself back for something that can not come to pass. Holding on is like believing that there's only a past; letting go and moving on is knowing in your heart that there's a bright future ahead. 

Clear your baggage. Acknowledge, accept and let go of your feelings

You will not be able to move on until you've had time to grieve. Might be confusing our feelings, it would be a mixture of sadness, regret, hope, wistfulness, melancholy and disappointment. If the relationship was intense, it will probably include hate, grief, anger, fear, shame and other deeper emotions. It's natural to feel these. And this Means if you hate the person, feel that hatred. If you feel sad, soak in your sadness. Cry if it is needed. Take time out for yourself to process these feelings. Do not block them away. Embrace them and accept them so you can fully let go. We do not want to be a loser who hung on even When the other person was not interested. To complete the cleansing process, all the dirt has to be cleansed.To do so you need to first acknowledge and accept your feelings.

Accept the truth and be thankful

Everything from your past does not belong in your present. But everything from your past Become building blocks to support your present. To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and helped you learn and grow. It's the acceptance of everything you have, everything you once had, and the possibilities that lie ahead. To hold onto relationships and circumstances that have already moved on without you is to stay stuck in a place and time that no longer exists. Moving on does not mean you completely forget the wonderful things from your past, it just Means that you find a positive way of surviving without them in your present. It's all about finding the strength to embrace life's changes, to trust your intuition, to learn as you go, to realized that every experience has value, and to continue taking positive steps forward.

Claim ownership and full control of your life

No one else is responsible for you. You are in full control of your life so long as you claim it and own it. Through the grapevine, that you have have Learned Should you blame your parents, your teachers, your mentors, the education system, the government, etc. .., Never to blame but yourself. Right? It's never, ever your fault ... WRONG! It's always your fault, Because if you want to change, if you want to let go and move on with your life, you're the only person who can make it happen. While you are complaining about all the little Problems in your life, somebody is desperately fighting for THEIR right to live. You own every minute that you pass through, and that it is up to you to make the best use of dmg dmg each one of them. Because someday, suddenly, there will be no more minutes. 

Forgive him / her

Sometimes, no matter how hard we tried to give him / her the benefit of the doubt, a part of us still blamed him / her for what happened. They had played with our feelings and betrayed our trust. But I realized that whenever we refuse to forgive someone, the person we are forgiving is not really ourselves.It makes sense does not it? When you feel angry / bitter Toward someone, it's not the other person who is carrying the anger and bitterness. It's you. Heavyweight carrying all these emotions can be very tiring. It's like while dragging a whole pile of carcasses wherever you go. To forgive him / her, first forgive yourself. Think about how you are denying yourself of so much happiness by holding on to your grievances. Think about how you are preventing yourself from experiencing your real love Because you are still hanging on to these baggage. Whenever you hold on to something, you Prevent yourself from receiving new things in life. Forgive yourself for putting yourself through this trauma.Forgive yourself for everything that has happened. As you forgive yourself, forgiveness of the other person will naturally occur.

Realize there is someone out there for you

It's easy to get trapped in your head thinking about the thing for too long. Meeting new people, friends or romantic potentials alike, reminds how there is a whole world out there. There are many great people out there to know. Do not get cooped up with your life. I always find it an amazing adventure to know someone new and be exposed to a whole different life. When life sets you up with a challenge, there's a reason for it: it's meant to test your courage and willingness to make a change and take a chance on something new. There's no point in denying that things are different now, or being fearful of the next step. The challenge will not wait even if you hesitate. Life only moves in one direction-forward. There is someone out there for you. You're definitely not the only single out there in the world. Look around you! Bay and your friends. Look at the people on the streets. Do you think you're the only person who is single in this world? Of course not! There are 7 billion people in the world. For every couple you see out there, there are multiples of other singles. For every single you see, there are even more singles. Just because you are single now does not mean you will remain forever single. It Means you just have not found the right person. Meanwhile, focus on living your best life in your definitions. Most importantly, remember that your life does not and Should not hinge on having a special partner or not. We are complete by ourselves and relationships Should not be there to complete us.

Moving on and letting go has truly been a long, long healing process. Yet, Should we recognized that everything that has happened has helped us to Become a better person. Should we grateful for that. Your past has given you the strength and wisdom you have today, so celebrate it. Do not let it haunt you. No matter what happens, no matter the outcome, you're going to be just fine. Let the things you can not control, happen. Allow the universe to bless you in surprising and joyful ways. The powers above added one more day in your life today, not necessarily Because you need it, but Because the world still needs you to let your light shine. So starting today, fall in love. Not necessarily with a person, but with an aim , an ambition, a passion.


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